The resources in this toolkit have been produced through the DfE’s Flexible Working Ambassador Schools project 2020-2021, in conjunction with the DfE and with support from other sector experts. They have been tested with a range of schools across England.
You can use the resources to:
The toolkit has been designed for use in all schools and settings including special schools, alternative provision, pupil referral units and trusts. The toolkit may also be useful for other settings if adapted for use, including sixth-form colleges, further education colleges and other providers.
We hope this toolkit will support you in embedding flexible working.
These resources will support teachers and leaders to develop an understanding of flexible working and the benefits it can bring to everyone in a school/trust.
These resources will provide leaders with support to implement a strategic approach to flexible working in schools/trusts.
These resources will support teachers and leaders to make and review statutory requests for flexible working.